Who doesn’t love to win?
The feeling of success, accomplishment and the thrill of being on top of the world.
Even if only for a moment the feeling of winning is great.
I’d like to experience more of that in my life, and not because I beat someone else.
If you’d like to win more without feeling like someone else must lose then this is the blog for you.
Join me as we explore what winning can really be and how to enjoy it in your everyday life.
Winning is an attitude
I’m not here to give you Positive Mental Attitude (PMA).
Honestly, only because I can’t.
I would love to.
The truth is that your attitude about life, games, work and relationships is what keeps you from having everything your heart desires.
Here’s why.
If you had less thoughts about who you are as a person when you don’t win, then losing wouldn’t bother you, therefore you would be winning.
Someone a long time ago put failure on the “bad things” list and we all decided to go along with it.
Granted failure isn’t fun.
I don’t know too many who like it, yet I do know a lot of people (myself included) who have benefited from it.
Oh, the lessons I’ve learned.

They are why I write; I have failed so much that I want to share the lessons I have discovered.
No sense in all of us running into walls, if I can share with you and it helps you to keep from making the same mistakes then I have done something good with my life.
Not only do I win, you win also.
Practice makes perfect
When you are on a team you practice becoming a more cohesive unit.
We are all on team Earth.
Practicing daily the ways of the world.
What if winning is about the way we are being with our fellow team-mates?
Look, I get it, there are people who just rub us the wrong way.
Some of those people end up being, family, friends and innocent by standards of our situations.
And these people and our circumstances with them are how we get to practice our ways of being.
Ways of being are; kindness, compassion, love, joy, authenticity, acceptance, forgiveness and peace.
There are many more to list, those are just a few to give you an idea of what I mean.
Our ways of being cause us to win in the game of life.
We all get caught up in circumstance and can be judgmental, rude, difficult, mean and irritable.
Those are also ways of being.

When I experience those ways of being, I truly hope the other people I affect forgive me for being caught in my thoughts regarding what’s happening.
We can all win, the game of life doesn’t have to be a competition.
Forgiveness, compassion and acceptance help us support others in winning.
It’s a challenge to take on sometimes, and it will take practice for us all to embody more favorable ways of being.
And Practice makes perfect, this is where unconditional love and world peace can begin.
Be your best
You may have noticed I mentioned in the last section that I experience less than favorable ways of being.
Well, I have a little secret for you.
I’m really hoping you won’t tell anyone.
I’m human.
I have walked around for years, devastated that I would lose control or give someone my power by allowing myself to be hurt by them.
If they got a reaction, then they were really doing some hard-core rotten things because I was a brick wall.
And at that time in my life, I was doing the absolute best I could.
Sometimes my best was on point, sometimes my best was crying my eyes out and not taking my own life.
We are all human, evolving every day.
Be ok with not being ok, because at that moment I’m certain you are doing your best.
There’s no point in resisting the emotions you are feeling.
That causes your heart to close, you become the brick wall.
The rest of us can’t see the gift that you are because you have hardened.
Joy, peace and love can’t exist from within because you have trapped the emotions you resisted.

Being your best is staying open to those feeling energies, allow them to pass through.
You have my assurance that you will feel such a sense of relief to let them go versus carrying them with you.
One last tip to help you be your best, don’t let the voice in your head tell you lies anymore.
To be your best I hope you learn to silence the voice that judges you (and others).
The human experience is what we are here for, we can all win.
You, me and team Earth.
Compete only to push yourself
Winning so that others lose is competition.
Healthy competition happens in sports, it doesn’t need to happen daily.
You can compete with yourself.
Be better tomorrow than you were today.
If you are staying on the edge of your comfort zone you will always expand and grow.
Everyone wins when you do this.
Since we are all connected, we all benefit from your growth.
I was listening to a Kyle Cease talk last week, he says “I don’t do anything unless there are three wins. I win, you win, and the expansion of the universe can benefit from what it is I’m doing.”
Consider if we all lived our lives that way.
How much would we all benefit from everyone winning?
Human nature and the result of what we can create in this world is based on all of us winning.
So, help others, encourage them, lift them up, help them chase their dreams.
And when you need an attitude adjustment, call me for coaching.
Shifting perceptions without judgement is my specialty.
And since the road to winning starts with you purchase my Phoenix Program Workbook to help you find your path to self-love.
Until next week,
Agape ❤ ,
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