Why choose Missy Ordiway as your Life Coach?

Expand Awareness
Recognize limiting beliefs and shift your perception.

Find Clarity
Define and reach for what you really want.

Navigate Life
Learn to be the best version of yourself.
Let people inspire you. Don’t be threatened by their greatness. Instead, allow it to make you dig deep and realize your own.
Missy Ordiway

What Missy’s clients are saying
Imagine taking an aptitude test and the results are guided directly from source or higher power you may use. That is what you receive when you get an Akashic record reading with Missy.
LaVander A.
West Palm Beach, FL
First I want to say I’m grateful to have found Missy and her connection with the Akashic records. She did a reading on me that gave me guidance from spirit on helping myself and others.
Grace N.
Missy has shown me that words have a far greater impact than I realized, and that what I speak ultimately becomes reality. During our talks I always receive the messages I need at that time.
Dallas S.
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Recent Posts
Motivation from Missy

Staying Grounded
How do you stay grounded in such an active world? In this episode, Chris and I discuss Staying Grounded and what that can look like.
You will also learn:
•Releasing the need for control • Pushing past limitations • Letting Spirit guide you. Thanks for listening and when you share make sure you #onfindingpeace.

Being Emotionally Available
Being emotionally available isn’t easy for everyone. In this episode, Chris and I discuss advantages to being emotionally available.
You will also learn:
•What you resist persists • How being mindful can help • Learning from the present moment. Our listener challenge is at 24:43 and when you share make sure you #onfindingpeace.

Tools for Managing Life’s Addictions
Addiction touches every person in some way, shape, or form. In this episode, Chris and I discuss tools for managing addiction.
You will also learn:
•Substances aren’t our only addictions • The difference between healthy and unhealthy behaviors• Figuring out what has you. Thanks for listening and when you share make sure you #onfindingpeace.

Our Love Languages
Finding peace in our relations with both self and others takes communication, what happens when you communicate differently? In this episode, Chris and I turn to the wisdom of Gary Chapman from his work “The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate”. We share our love languages and the issues we…