To have what you want in life you have to be willing.
Most of us want to know what we have to do in order to be willing.
What if you have to be willing in order to do what needs to be done?
Take a walk with me on the path to find out why your willingness is so important.
What is willingness?
I’m not going to define willingness for you.
I’m going to use an analogy of willingness being the flow of water on a river.
I know you’ve heard the phrase going with the flow.
Being willing is a bit more than going with the flow, it’s being the flow.
When you are the flow you hit bumps and you roll with them.

Sometimes the flow slows down and swirls into a stagnant pool.
When there is resistance the flow doesn’t push back, it finds an alternate route.
This is important to know but it’s not the number one reason why willingness is important.
Seeing in the pool of reflection.
The pool of reflection is always clear and accurate.
It’s like karmic law, what you send out always comes back to you.
However, the pool of reflection specifically shows you what you need to work on in your life.
My coach states “If you spot it, you got it.”
This means if I see a micromanaging controller in my life, somewhere I am being a micromanaging controller.
It sucks to look at, and that’s the work we get to do here.
Everyone you encounter is your pool of reflection.
When you judge others it gives you a clear indication of what you need to work on in yourself.

Every person and every experience is your pool of reflection.
We project our experiences, this is the law of attraction at work.
When you are kinder and gentler to yourself you will experience the world as a kinder and gentler place.
And yet this is still not the reason why willingness is so important.
Willingness leads to awareness
What good is a gift that you cannot unwrap?
When you get a gift you are excited and can’t wait to see what is revealed when you unwrap it.
If you had to stare at the gift forever in its wrapping paper it would lose its luster.
It would get old, unlikely you would start to be annoyed by it.
This is what’s happening in your life.
Life is reflecting to you, it’s a gift and it teaches us everything we need to know in that moment.
Your willingness to look at what it’s teaching you is the actual unwrapping of the gift.

When you are unwilling to look the lesson continues to repeat itself.
This is how we get annoyed with circumstances in our lives that keep showing up.
People think that they’re in a rut or the same type of things always happen to them.
The number one reason why willingness is so important is that by being willing we have acceptance, peace, and freedom to be the flow of life.
Life is easier and we experience joy and happiness.
So I invite you to be willing to look at everything in life to see how it teaches you about yourself, your journey and the experience that you are getting to create here on Earth.
Let it teach you and guide you to the whole and complete version of yourself.
Many blessings until next time,
Agape ❤ ,
Update* 01/29/2020 here is a podcast that I was invited to be where I discuss Willingness with my host Chris Shea.
This article is fabulous…
Sending you love & light,