The way we look at the world is how we create the meaning behind everything we experience.
Are you willing to change the way you look at things so the interpretation of what you see changes?
Question the Meaning
When we bump into illusions we are triggered.
That’s not usually very fun for any of us. It is telling us that we hold a belief could use healing.
Through questioning you open up your mind to new possibilities.

Understand that you do not know what everything means.
We are meaning making machines and do so with our human minds.
Tune in to the one mind to find out what the experience is really for.
Willingness to Look
Everything you experience comes from within.
You are only the space for that which you are experiencing because there is work that needs to be done.
That work is healing, understanding and educating you to a new level of consciousness.

If you are not willing to look then you will stifle this growth, being willing to look gives you the capability to observe, accept and heal for the collective body of humans.
You will experience similar encounters with others and circumstances until you see the lesson and learn from it.
Giving Forth to God
When you understand that you are set up for success and that you cannot fail there’s no stopping the drive to keep doing things you are lead to do.
We can’t always understand why God leads us to do the things he does, when we worry about how we will look we become fearful and stay small lacking all the glory we were intended to experience.

The beauty that you are comes from within and he leads us to shine our brightest light.
First, we need to give to him the troubles we believe we have.
When you give forth to God these perceptions you cease worry, fear, and paralysis then go live your best life with trust, faith and love.
Until next week,
Agape ❤,
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