Why is it that we relate so easily to the struggle?
I’m sure if I told you that at one point in my life I was suicidal, there would be potential that you would be able to relate.
If I told you I was abused mentally by people, I had been cheated, lied to or stolen from then you could easily relate to me.
The fact of the matter is all of those things have been true in my life.
And it’s not that I don’t want you to know those things about me, I just prefer to focus on the good things that I have because, honestly, I want more of those.
I want more laughter with my kids, more dancing in the rain without fear of what others think of me, I want more freedom from the beliefs that don’t serve me.
Evaluate what you believe, see if it’s serving you in your life, if not just let it go. It’s that easy…
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