Do opposites attract?
Well… sometimes in relationships.
But, what I’m really asking is…do you have a positive mental image and does it draw more good into your life?
By now we all know the law of attraction.
But, are you putting it to use in your life?
If you still feel wronged and mistreated by the things other people do to you then, you’re living with a victim/negative mentality.
Let it go. Learn that you CAN see things differently.
Life is like that, what you believe and put forth is always returned to you.
If you look around and all you see is negativity then you will be attracting more of it into your life.
Are you looking to find things to be unhappy with or are you showing gratitude for the joys and pleasures of life?
Break it down and find what’s good… Make it a game… Games are always fun ?
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