Letting go of control is a virtue that takes tons of practice.
When you begin to pay attention it’s crazy how much you see that you are attempting to juggle.
What are we afraid of will happen if we aren’t in control?
Let’s explore that and the outcome of releasing the need for control.
Things will fall apart
When we have so much going on and we are used to orchestrating it all, it is scary to think about letting go of it.
Once upon a time, somebody told me that there are three types of ways you have control;
1. Complete control
2. Influence
3. No control at all.
My current belief is that all of those are illusions except number three.
What is there to juggle when you really have no control?
We are hanging on to a false truth expecting we can control it all and predict our outcome.
Circumstances go in the direction that will best heal our soul, and we get to decide to pay attention to watching what shows up, not controlling it.
The observer
In English class, we learned how to speak of ourselves in the third person by telling the story as if we were a character in the story, not from an “I” perspective.
Likely you were not taught to see yourself in life from a third-person perspective.
Observing what’s showing up in life helps you relinquish control.
This takes practice as well.
It’s like watching a movie but one of your life.
When you see how life is reflecting you, you will understand what needs healing.
Acknowledge it, give it to God by standing firm in the image and likeness of him, and choosing not to partake in the habit any longer.
You’ll begin to notice the release of the illusions and your need to be in control.
Focused intention
We all know what we want.
And there is no control in getting it.
There is the capability to focus your energy on the destination you would like.
Although you have to do so without attaching yourself to a specific outcome.
The way you get there cannot matter, you should have no plan of how you’re going to accomplish things.
I know this is the exact opposite of what goal setting teaches us.
Yet the “how” doesn’t come from our spiritual side.
Our spiritual side will get us exactly where we want to be when we focus our energy on what we want.
The lack of what we want cannot exist in our thoughts since these thoughts are fear-based.
Trust the process and you will experience peace as you relinquish control and still reach your dream destinations.
Love ❤,
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