Every circumstance we have we create the meaning behind.
The good, the bad, even the indifferent.
These meanings that we make can make or break our life for us.
It’s important to clear these things out to be able to move forward
Releasing Judgment
Experiences themselves are neutral events.
But in our “humaning,” we create ideas that we believe to be true.
These meanings are usually filled with the judgment of good or bad, and right or wrong.
This convinces us to perceive our worthiness, deservedness, and perfection through these lenses of judgment.
Normally, we created these beliefs when we were young in our prime of wild imaginations.
Today these beliefs don’t serve us, so why continue to believe the judgments we put on ourselves and these situations from such a young age.
The Illusion of Duality
Separation, there isn’t any.
This is hard to understand since our physical senses tell us otherwise.
The difference between what is the truth and what appears to be true is the illusion.
Our physical senses were created to open us up to the physical world around us.
However, it’s irrational and confusing to our soul when we allow our perceptions to be ruled by our physical senses.
This causes us to believe meaningless things about ourselves and our circumstances.
Your mind is subservient to you, your body is a vessel, remember you are the life force that runs through every living thing, nothing less.
Therefore, you will never be separate.
This is the undoing of all the beliefs that you have created.
Making meanings is what humans do, however, we are supposed to be human beings.
This insinuates that we are to be only.
Most of us don’t understand how we are meant to do, as uncomfortable as it may be the “doing” needs to come from the inspired action of being.
Not necessarily a means of checking off a list. Enjoy what you are doing!
Being joyful, has you doing joyful actions and you will then obtain joyful experiences, using this as an example of the simultaneous creations we can experience.
Atonement is how you remember the truth and allow yourself to stop making meanings about your circumstances.
Love ❤,
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