How many times have you been in the midst of a circumstance and you feel like you’re constantly reacting?
Trying to play catch-up in life’s daily tasks and challenges.
You start to feel overwhelmed, stressed out and like your to-do’s keep piling on.
Read on to explore how quickly you can begin to live your life at cause.
Set your Intentions Daily
I heard about intentions for so long before I ever really understood what it meant.
Our intentions are the things we plan to accomplish, not like goals, like deliberateness.
Did you know we set intentions every day without knowing?
When you don’t know what your intentions are you continuously create experiences that are unwanted.
All while this is happening you’re living your life scrambling to clean up the messes that you have unintentionally created.
You are reacting to your circumstances, living your life at effect.
We don’t get to always say how things work out for us.
And by setting our intentions we can be the creator of our experiences.
We are deliberate and proactive about our responses.
In our society, most of us like to do things to make sure we are on the right path.
We figure if we work harder, doing more, then our expectations will be filled.
Through conversations with individuals, I recognized that my intention is to be a conduit.
There is nothing to do when you are a conduit.
You become a space where other people can feel comfortable to be themselves, unjudged by their feelings and actions, and feel complete love and acceptance.
As I began to set my intentions daily to be that kind of person, my life has radically changed.
I am the cause of how life is experienced.

Observing the Present
The only way to know what your intentions have been is to observe what’s currently going on.
We know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
Half the time we don’t even realize that we’re doing the same things.
And if we don’t realize that we’re doing the same things then how can we possibly change it.
You need to observe your thoughts, actions and even your triggers.
Knowing yourself so well that even the slightest change in your mood ques you to inspect your thoughts.
Now don’t get me wrong I don’t want you to live in a victim mentality where you’re constantly looking at what is.
Although, you get to be accepting of what is.
The more accepting that you are the easier the process becomes.
We observe to learn about ourselves, to see what life is reflecting to us so that we can change it if we’d like.
If it’s working, then why should we change?
Observation ultimately leads you to finding out how much resistance you are putting on what it is that isn’t working for you.
I invite you to surrender your resistance, in the next section you will learn why.

Focus your Attention
Have you ever heard the saying “Where your attention goes your energy flows?”
There is so much validity to that statement.
If you remember in the last section I mentioned that I don’t want you to be victimized by looking at what is.
We can’t change the circumstance and the more you focus on it the more you will attract similar experiences.
As the creator of your experience, you must know about the law of attraction.
Where like energies are attracted to one another.
So, when you mentally scream “NO,” to your experience you are actually saying, “Can I have more of this please?”
Where you’re focusing is going to be how you are saying “I want this” in your life.
The crazy thing about all of this is that we don’t control our thoughts.
So, when they come we attempt to mentally retract them.
This doesn’t do any good, it’s not the thinking them, it’s the mental attachment and ensuing of the shit storm of thought that gets us exactly where we don’t want to be.
This is constantly why people are trying to get you to attend the PMA (positive mental attitude) Parade.
This is why we need to surrender and accept what is.
Being in the flow is a gift, and if you can experience being the flow you will truly learn why everyone wants and is working to obtain inner peace.
Just in case you don’t realize we don’t have to work for any of that, it’s natural.
I want to leave you with a quote by Deepak Chopra says “Attention energizes and intention transforms.”
The more that you set your intentions, observe the present and focus your attention you will begin to see why you want to be a cause of your life, not an effect.
If you need a guide along your path I’m always available for coaching and The Phoenix Program Workbook is a great place to being to observe yourself.
Agape ❤ ,
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