So as your days are going by I wonder if you have a plan?
You know what you want to do for the day and how you are going to accomplish it.
Yet what happens when things go awry?
How are you handling life?
I try desperately not to give advice and today I’m telling you, Just go with it.
The Trouble With The Plan
For most of my life, I was a type-A personality.
And life was hard, I thought I knew it all and that my best-laid plans were the ones that HAD to come to pass.
Internally it truly was the end of the world every time something didn’t go my way.
It was as if I was a toddler throwing a fit, internally of course, because I had a looking good conversation that made me maintain composure.

My ego was so pissed that it couldn’t fix the fact that things were not turning out the way it predicted.
Clearly, this was not acceptable.
Eventually, I figured out that I was making things difficult.
That it didn’t need to be this way, and life could be easy if only I’d let it.
Relinquishing Control
I’d like to think I know best.
About what’s going on in my life and how I can manage tasks or circumstances.
And truthfully everything is out of our control.
The Law of Mentalism creates your reality.
You can’t always predict what you think or even know what’s in your subconscious mind.

Basically, what you think about you bring about, and not in a “ What happens to you is your fault” sort of way.
But trust…Trust is a completely different way of being.
You know with certainty that no matter what happens in life there is a better-laid plan that you could have imagined or concocted.
In our limited vision of the world, we can’t see all of the necessary moves that need to be made to get us where we want to be.
Allowing The Flow Of Life
I want to share with you what a day of allowing is like.
It’s peaceful.
You surrender to whatever may be creating around each new circumstance.
There are no such things as problems, issues, or obstacles.
You tune into the spirit, with wisdom and knowledge of the truth.

That you are set-up to win, 100% of the time.
And life becomes easy, enjoyable, joyful, and you, my friend, are grateful for it all.
Let this be the life you lead.
You can and will see that you can have all that you desire when you “Just go with it”.
Let me know how it goes,
Agape ❤,
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