Please don’t think about the title of this blog as perfectionism.
This is all about making mistakes and loving yourself regardless of where you are on the path.
Spending time working towards your greatness is something I hope you do every day.
And when life gets hard, as it sometimes will, I hope you will remember these things to help you remember to stand in the light.
Being perfectly human means forgiving
Look “Everyone has a path,” as the great Will Tanguay always says to me.
We don’t want others to shame us for our mistakes or behavioral errors.
That doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t.
Forgiving in this sense doesn’t mean they did something wrong and I need to let it go.

It means since they are on their path to greatness, we get to let God handle any error in their ways.
Fixing others is not our job. Most of us have a hard enough time fixing ourselves.
The reason is that we aren’t broken. Everything we are experiencing is teaching us how to grow.
I’ve heard before that if you strive for perfection that you will end up disappointed.
Although, when you strive for excellence you can recognize the perfection in the way life flows for you; to teach you, guide you and allow you to be exactly where you are.
Acceptance of you being perfectly human
I made, what I felt was, a huge mistake last week.
For the first time in an extremely long time, I was accepting of the lack of ability I had to change what I had done.
Most people wouldn’t say it was a big deal, but for me, it was a win.
Having the ability to love myself exactly where I am, with what my ego used to tell me were all my flaws, was a joyous feeling of unconditional love.
Things didn’t go as I planned, other people were upset with me, can you imagine the mental torture that I released in that acceptance.
I’m certain you can relate, at least to the mental torture.
The belief that I have to be perfect all the time, and that so do you is outdated.

The feeling of unworthiness doesn’t serve us.
With all of the greatness that we are the time has come for that to show.
Think about it, you think actors don’t have bad roles once in a while, that business owners don’t have an off month.
We all have good days and bad, right decisions and wrong.
When you can openly welcome yourself to being human acceptance is yours.
Knowing the truth about being perfectly human
I understand that I don’t have to tell you this.
We aren’t perfect. Every one of us makes mistakes, sometimes often.
You have heard it and sometimes you forget.
The truth is none of this makes you a horrible person, quite the opposite, it makes you AMAZING.
You are a real live superhero. I’ve seen and heard what some of you have been through and you are an absolute badass.

And being a martyr is a thing of the past.
We celebrate these days. It never matters how small a victory seems, it about embracing how you handled it.
How you didn’t lose your cool when someone cut you off in traffic, or you said the wrong thing but didn’t hate yourself after and then you apologized.
Another part of the truth is we never really know what other people are going through, we can’t possibly fathom what it’s like to live a day in their life.
We get to let them be perfectly human and love them unconditionally where they are.
As Will says, “Everyone has a path.”
Until next week,
Agape ❤ ,
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