I don’t know how many times you have seen this saying.
What it means to you could be several things.
As the beautiful and divine creator you are I want to share with you some ideas you may not have thought of that I know will help you dive into being more of who you are created to be.
Who are you?
To understand how to be Be-You-Tiful first you must know who you are.
Not only your mind and body in the human form but also knowing your spirit.
Recently it has come to be in my personal life that I am figuring out the marrying of my spirit with my human self.

That has meant deep discussion, understanding, and a change in my perspective on a few things I have previously believed.
It’s also meant letting go of the control I think I have, free will is always there, yet when you set out to do the best for yourself and everyone else that is being in tune with God’s will for your life.
You are the life force energy that created the world we live in and as such you will feel more free as you begin to step into that divine space of creation.
Who are you Being?
We create from a feminine mindset.
This mindset comes from the balance of getting us into the fun and creative side of the life force energy that we are.
Why is this important?
A lot of times we are in the masculine side, we are constantly doing, and that doing comes from our Get R Done mentality to muscle our way through things as humans.

It’s hard and we expect that. We should actually expect the opposite.
Let it be easy. In finding the balance between the masculine and feminine we get to just Be.
Always knowing the outcome will be in our favor, this takes practice since our ego will convince us otherwise.
In our beingness is where everything we create comes from.
As a collective with all living things, there is no way we can’t be bountiful.
We are the epitome of abundance. We have access to this at every moment of our lives.
Why then, do we play so small?
We hide our abundance, living in a victim mentality of what’s happened to me??
To fully embody ourselves in the oneness that we are, we need to see everyone in that light.

Relinquish control of others, and still provide guidance.
Love them unconditionally for that path that they are on, without judgment.
When we condemn others, we always have 3 fingers pointing back at ourselves.
To be bountiful we must embrace what we see in others to allow it to be healed in ourselves.
In this way, we will totally become Be-You-Tiful!
Love ❤,
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