We live in such an action-oriented world.
We are always trying to do something to make sure we succeed, make sure our loved ones know we care or make up for what we’ve done.
What if there was nothing to do?
What if you were just allowed to be worthy enough and accepting enough of yourself that it is okay to move on without doing anything?
It’s a totally foreign concept, trust me I know.
But the possibility is refreshing, the emotional feeling you get when you look at that possibility is freeing for your mind.
If we all have the same life energy that flows to us, flowers, animals, trees and humans… (In case you didn’t know we all get the same stuff, that’s why they say we are all one.)
Consider this, does a flower have to do anything to be worthy?
If it wilts due to lack of water, it just waits for the rain.
If it needs sunshine it could take take time and patience, not effort, but it would still expand and be its best.
So don’t wait, just Bloom Right Where You Are.
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