You might ask yourself, “Why do I need a life coach?”
Your answer might be, “There is nothing wrong with me.”
If you are wondering what a life coach does and why on earth you should have one then you have come to the right place.
People ask me frequently what I do and why they would use my services.
Everyone should have a coach, and not because you have problems or there is anything wrong with you.
You are perfect just as you are.
I invite you to try these ideas on to see where you could benefit from coaching.

Revealing your automatic
We all respond in life. Sometimes it a reaction to circumstances.
Other times we recognize the thoughts leading up to that circumstance and can clearly see why we responded with the feelings we held in that instance.
These are defining moments in our awakened and dreamlike states.
We all dance between being awake and asleep.
The more we can reveal to ourselves the dreamlike state we live in, that is due to our thoughts, the easier life appears.
Our automatic is always due to our thoughts, whether negative or positive.
People tend to not see their own automatic responses.
A good coach points you in the direction of awareness so you can reveal these responses to yourself.
Only through this experience will you recognize where you are and learn through practice to adjust your mental state accordingly.
Exploring new possibilities
We all don’t know what we don’t know. Exploring helps you find a clearer path.
Again, the reason to have a life coach isn’t because there is something wrong with you or your life.
A coach is to help you reveal blind spots or things you don’t know about yourself, circumstances and even the universe.
They are there for you to win and enroll you in the opportunities life presents.
Humans put so many limitations on ourselves.
We are all searching for the next thing that will further us along in our growth believing this is where happiness comes from.
Whether it’s success, love or abundance that you are interested in creating, you can have it all and much sooner than you think.
Being coached is about being open to new possibilities and seeing things differently than you currently have them in your mind.
Releasing your attachment to how it is for you.

Trying on a new perspective
Have you ever watched your favorite sports team play?
The coach observes from the sidelines, seeing the big picture and then guides the players.
He doesn’t tell them what’s right and wrong, he sees the blind spots that, from his perspective, can help the team win at the game they are playing.
He is a stand for their greatness.
Ultimately, they make the decisions, carryout the plays and create awareness through his guidance.
Life can be difficult, but it can also be fantastic.
It depends on your perspective.
When it comes to life coaching it’s truly about seeing things that you haven’t seen and pointing you towards them.
You have the answers within you.
Through conversations of exploration, revealing your automatic responses and looking at life from a new perspective you can gain clarity, guidance and find your greatness.
I invite you to contact me for a free discovery call or dive into my Phoenix Program Workbook to try on what life coaching is about.
You never know how coaching can benefit you until you try.
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