Healing is more than just a physical process, it’s also mental, and spiritual.
We don’t always know why certain things in our lives trigger us.
Below you will find some tips to help you release what is no longer serving you in your life.
Move forward into a higher elevation with ease through these processes.
The energy that we hold becomes built up and heavy. It’s a burden to carry.
Yet we trudge through life dragging everything from the past with us.

I find that when I share what’s going on in my mind with the people that I love not only do I receive support, I also transmute the negative energy.
All it takes is recognizing where you are mentally, sharing with someone you love which allows the beginning of the realization process to helping you mend what you think is broken.
As you share you are shifting your awareness towards healing the emotional energy of the weight your burden carries.
Energy moves and stays trapped when we resist it.
When you’re interested in healing you need to become an open conduit to let all energy move through you.
That means you can’t hang on to anything the good or the bad, you need to let it move.
When you feel stuck physical movement can help you transition the energy.

Walking, running, dancing, swimming even pacing will give the energy a way to flow through you.
It matters not how you do it, just make sure you come from a loving space of letting go.
Remember when you are pushing against something that only causes it to push back and nothing moves.
There’s us nothing worse than wanting to be in control of what’s happening and your response to it.
Sometimes it can make you feel like you don’t have a chance.
Like the brokenness you make up about yourself will always be there.
The truth is that you are perfect, just as you are, as foreign as that may seem.
Your path has been intricately and delicately laid just for you, that’s how important you are.

There’s no sense wishing things were different, but you can be forward-thinking.
Knowing you are set up for success 100% will give you an entirely different perspective on trusting the process.
And allowing yourself to heal what needs healing during that process.
Trust is feeling lead and guided through life and knowing that it’s going to be AMAZING.
Just like you.
Love ❤,
I needed to hear that Missy, especially with whay I’m truing to accomplish right now. Thank you so much!
I’m so glad it helps Darlene, you are made for great things my dear. Keep going ❤️