How many times have you been in the circumstances that life gives you and you’ve only seen the good or the bad?
How many choices have you made in your life that you decided we’re good or bad?
I’ve known for a while that life doesn’t have to be like that, but putting neutrality into effect in your life is something completely different.
It doesn’t really matter what you know if you’re not utilizing that knowledge, wisdom comes with practice and practice sometimes means things not turning out exactly as you had hoped.
My point is there is nothing wrong with that, you are where you are and you always need to meet yourself where you are.
Living by how things used to be or worrying about how things will be will keep you stuck right where you are.
Remember don’t have to give meaning to any event, you don’t have to predict the outcome of something you’re aiming to do, just do whatever it takes and watch how far that gets you.
The only thing in life that needs to have an alternative is which side of the street the sun rises on, and that’s just the way it is, you can’t change that.
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