I don’t know about you, I certainly thought for a long time Vulnerability equaled Weakness.
I didn’t realize how much I was holding onto because I was scared to be authentic about my feelings.
I was so worried about looking good that I hid myself from the world.
My family, friends and associates all thought that I was a machine.
I never shared with them how I felt.
Therefore, they always thought I never needed them.
I became convinced that they didn’t care about me because they never asked.
Thankfully I realized that wasn’t true, it was just what I was making up.
If embracing vulnerability is an ability you are determined to strengthen these three things will be a tremendous lifesaver for you.
Be OK with not being OK

We are human love, get used to it.
No one wants to have down moments or things that they feel they are struggling against.
The truth is it happens to all of us.
There is not one living human being that doesn’t have feelings.
The good moments are great, and we all want more of that.
The bad moments don’t have to be the end of the world.
Yes, we all know that we can learn from them and that’s not what this section is about.
It’s about feeling what ever comes up inside and learning to allow it.
Not hiding but surrendering to the moment.
What it brings to you can be beautiful, it’s always going to be based on your perception.
Being ok with not being ok has taught me what inner peace is about, it’s accepting whatever is and not doing anything about it.
For goodness sake, just cry.

Those miserable leaks of salt from our eyes.
They ruin our mascara and our masculinity.
They show our pain, our shame and embarrassment to the world.
Those tears can also provide they best release of your feelings.
If you have not experienced this, I implore you to do so, even if you are all alone doing it.
Tap into those feelings that have been stuck in your crawl for a long time and just cry.
Holding onto emotions can cause you body pain, illness and depression.
When you release long held emotions, the lightness and rawness that you will notice in your new vision of life is inexplicable.
Just make sure you grab your tissues first; it gets a little messy.
Be bold enough to share authentically.

Don’t stop now, you’ve come this far.
It’s uncomfortable, it’s scary and it’s going to free you.
You can play this over in your head a million times, it will never turn out how you imagine.
The thoughts you have regarding sharing your inner secrets with another human being can debilitate you.
The longer you think about it, the more anxious you will become.
This is your ego, trying to keep you safe.
Push outside your comfort zone, get uncomfortable and do it with someone you trust.
I recognize how often in life we put on a show for everyone else, telling them we are fine.
The truth is we might be, however there is always a time when we aren’t, and you get to let that support in.
You are worthy of people being there for you, you are never a burden and you always give, so it’s time to receive.
Vulnerability is being open to being hurt, that doesn’t mean you will be.
Someone out there is hurting just like you, your story could help them find hope.
You will find strength and acceptance in being authentic.
If all else fails and you can’t talk to anyone, I encourage you to journal, let go of the story that is weighing you down.
All of these are practices for a reason.
You can’t embrace vulnerability without doing these things over and again to get better each time.
You don’t have to do them with the same story, each discouraging circumstance can be a new opportunity.
No one wants to walk around sad all the time, I understand that, and the more pent up emotion you release the less likely you are to face challenges in this way.
When you can’t seem to figure out what to do next or who to share with, remember it’s ok to not be ok.
I’m always available for non-judgmental listening.
You can make an appointment for a session or check out my Phoenix Program Workbook.
This program will guide you to finding a deeper level of self-love.
Increasing your love for yourself will make it easier to be vulnerable and authentic with others.
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