Everything is always working out for me.
Sometimes I have a tendency to forget, but eventually I remember that my success rate in life so far is 100%.
All of the things that come against you in life are there to help you grow.
You always have a choice on how you react to those things.
If you wallow in self-pity, expect more experiences that hold you down to come into your existence.
If you play the victim, then expect that you will be victimized by more people.
However, if you look at these experiences and allow them to give you clarity of knowing what you want in life and then focus more on that, then you can expect more of what you want out of life.
You have to learn to pivot away from what you don’t want in order to get what you do want.
Distraction is the best way to Pivot.
Find a different mental activity to concentrate on, play a game, workout or watch a movie.
Do anything but get stuck in the negative mental head loop.
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