It’s like a warm blanket on a cool night or a cool breeze on a hot day.
Comforting, calming, and supportive.
Belonging is something that soothes your loneliness, what you learn about it here could surprise you.
The internal conflict
Our physical senses trick us to think we are separated.
That others commit sins against us to divide us further.
Our minds are impressionable to what these physical senses perceive as our reality.

Forcing you to conceive a world of loneliness and disappointment.
A healed mind cannot commit to this vision, this creates conflict among your thoughts, therefore you aren’t at peace.
A Formless Concept
There is nothing you get from belonging.
It doesn’t satiate your physical senses.
It is a formless fulfillment of your mind, body, and soul that allows you to grasp the truth of being part of something bigger than your thoughts allow you to believe.

It’s a concept that leads you on the path home.
To see yourself in every living thing, to love those things as you should love yourself.
At this stage the challenge lies in allowing that love.
Loving the One Self
It’s crazy how we condition ourselves to do things for everyone else and forget about ourselves.
We fill cups all day for our significant others, family, friends, even our animals.
We use our physical senses to do these things.
True love lies within your soul, it just is, there is no doing involved.

We need to trust and surrender to our worthiness to create a clean space for that love to flow through.
You are a receptacle, plugged into the highest power, in order to allow the love you must unkink your line.
When you experience the clean space where God gets to work through you, you will then remember we are all one and love is what we are.
Agape ❤,
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