As life happens through each one of us constant realizations and observations are being made.
We all can tune into what is being revealed to help humanity as a whole.
What is the point in taking a step back to see what is being revealed?
Progression leads to success, stagnancy is an illusion.
Hindsight, as most would call it, is the ability to know what the point of the experience was.
To understand that things had to happen in a certain order and at a specific time is how we learn from our past.
It’s how we begin to trust the process rather than trying to make everything happen when we think it should.

There is no point in digging in to find the meaning, usually we create stories that aren’t serving of the purpose.
Reflection on an experience is just like it sounds, it’s seeing the mirror of the way you are showing up in life and how life displayed that to you.
It’s about seeing what you need to heal to remove the resistance you are putting on life’s flow.
Take yourself out of your experience. Right now if you can…I’ll wait.
Were you able to watch yourself with whatever device you are using to read this post?
Looking at yourself in a situation rather than being part of the situation allows us the freedom to see the necessary actions to take in putting the puzzle pieces together.
As we hyper focus on where we are we can’t get a feel for the larger part this is experience plays.

Becoming the observer of where you are allows you to relax into how life is flowing through you.
You are the space for everything that occurs, if you resist, you block. When you observe you ease the flow finding a new path for energy to move.
Observing is taking you out of the situation and seeing the greater effect it has for humanity.
This task can be extremely challenging, you will get better as you practice.
Conscious experience
Have you ever watched such an incredible movie that you literally felt like you were one of the characters?
You know what I mean, especially when you are watching something full of suspense and someone comes in and breaks up the scene.
Sometimes you jump, sometimes you jolt back to reality thanking the good lord that it’s not you on the screen.
Life is this way also. You can be the character on the screen or you can watch what is happening?

You can reflect, observe, and consciously experience what is occurring.
And get this…you can do it all while remaining neutral.
There’s no need to create a judgmental story of what’s happening, good/bad, right/wrong.
Just be with it. Being conscious of the experience will allow you to let what needs healing to be revealed for you.
Surrender to the process for benefits greater than you could fathom from your own imagination.
Love as always ❤,
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