It seems most of the time as if life is not fair.
We try so hard and work ourselves into an oblivion to get a little further ahead.
We do nice things for everyone and are waiting for Karma to answer with results.
I can’t begin to tell you how many times I have experienced this.
Do you know you are a good person?
Are you wondering why your dreams aren’t coming true?
These reflections were written specifically for you.
This must read will give you practices to incorporate in your life to help you see things differently.
Focus Neutrally
The term that every person (including myself) with ADHD shutters at the thought of.
It’s a task that you know, when you are in the flow, you do so well.
However, when someone tells you that you must focus, it’s like a wrath of flying squirrels of thought enter your mind all at once.
It’s hideous.
And it’s extremely important to be aware of.
Your inability to focus isn’t necessarily the problem.
It is what you are focusing on.
When you continue to focus on the horrible things that are presented to you in life, you will get more horrible things.
Law of attraction 101.
We all know the saying that two people can go through the same thing and walk away with two totally different experiences.
Think about it, then is it really the experience that makes us feel one way or the other?
Now I’m not going to tell you to be positive and look at the bright side, because some shit just sucks!
And when you can remain neutral, without judgement, no good or bad, life begins to look differently.
When you focus on the fact that you get to choose how to respond to what life is offering, things change.
Things happen to everyone…E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E.
Not one person is free from having crappy circumstances in their lives.
The choice is yours to focus on staying neutral in your thoughts, responses and reactions to those circumstances.
Patience for divine timing
Were you ever told not to pray for patience because God would test your abilities and give you circumstances to instill patience into your psyche?
I don’t completely believe that statement; however, I think there is some validity to it.
Allow me to explain.
There are so many things in this life that I want, not materially as much as spiritually.
And so, when I focus on what I want, eventually it comes to me, when it’s time.
When it’s not coming, and I am constantly concerning myself with the lack I’m not being patient.
Patience comes with trusting and knowing that the universe will provide you with exactly what you need, exactly when you need it.
I would wager on the fact that you have had hindsight in some life experiences when you had an “Aha” moment.
The moment where you were able to reflect and the epiphany came to you saying “Oh, that’s why that happened now and not then.”
Focusing on where you are is like trying to drive a car while in park.
How can you get to where you are going if you aren’t giving your attention to the destination?
It’s not possible, so you put the car in drive and follow the path even if it takes hours.
You never turn around 5 minutes into the drive and say, “Well it’s taking too long so, I’ll just go back home and sit on the couch.”
Patience will give you peace in knowing that things are coming to you in divine timing.
If what you want isn’t coming, it’s not time.
That doesn’t mean something is wrong with you or God is punishing you, it just means it’s not time.
You don’t have any control over it, and you can’t force it, just accept it by being patient.
Accountability in telling the story
I am going to do my best to explain to you how I see this word differently than most people in society.
Society says if you are accountable you are responsible, as in you did it.
Accountability to me is my part in the story.
We each tell our story in a different way.
Our beliefs, thoughts and judgements give us a different perception.
It’s part of what makes us unique.
Now I could go a step further and say that some of us tell the story as a victim, some tell it as all rainbows and sunshine, and some tell it to assert our ego.
Being accountable is telling the story from a place of how you created (as in your perception) the meaning of the circumstances you are going through.
I’d like to share with you an encounter I experienced just recently.
I was feeling unworthy, unlovable and unattractive. It happens on occasion.
As a result, when life happened, I was confirming those things.
Finding reasons why I was unworthy, unlovable and unattractive.
My behavior was also in accordance with those lies. Emotional, Sensitve.
I was supporting the lies with my circumstances.
Truthfully, all those things were happening inside of me.
I was telling the story to myself as Eeyore. “Nobody loves me, everyone hates me, I’ll just go eat a can of worms.”
When I recognized that, I was able to take a step back and hold myself accountable in the circumstances.
Free yourself from your circumstances and blaming others by telling the story so that you give yourself power, rather than giving your power away.
We don’t always have the choice of how we see things in the moment.
It may be difficult to be focus, be patient or hold yourself accountable.
If anyone gets that I do, you finally guessed it, I’m human too.
Being aware of these things can help you tremendously as you grow.
I encourage you to start with one reflection a week.
Check in with how you are showing up and remind yourself that these are special things to pay attention to.
Soon your awareness to these items will become second nature.
When you feel like you aren’t seeing what you’d like to or you just want to see more, call me for a coaching call.
And you can always purchase my Phoenix Program Workbook to help you gain more awareness into your level of self-love.
The ultimate achievement for me is to help you achieve your greatness with guidance and love.
Until next time,
Agape ❤ Missy
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