When you root yourself in a growth mindset you understand that you need to be accountable for the things that happen in your life.
Accountability does not mean taking the blame, that it’s your fault, or even that you are responsible.
It’s more about standing in your power and not playing the victim.
I get that there are some situations that a lot of people will not be able to look past.
And that is completely okay, be with whatever you can in an accountability mentality.
Awareness as it pertains to accountability
If you can be aware of the thoughts that you think regarding certain circumstances in your life this can help you be more accountable.
When we believe that there are attacks against us then it’s clear that we are viewing these circumstances from a standpoint that is not accountable.
Usually, this is called the victim mentality.

Accountability looks at circumstances and others without blame.
Having the courage to admit there were things you could have done differently, or how your mindset may have affected the situation holds you accountable.
When you understand that we have no control over circumstances or other people you can recognize that you’re the only factor left in the equation.
Being accountable gives you strength
Think about the price your paying when you are coming from a victim mentality.
When you are in a victim mentality your experience is pessimistic, powerless, and hopeless.
Being accountable doesn’t make you feel shameful, guilty, or at fault.

The truth is we can remain neutral without judgment and in doing so you find strength in the circumstance.
You can find humility, be at peace, and experience relief from all the negativity in taking ownership from an accountability standpoint.
Accountability allows you to live your life at cause.
Whenever there is an event in our lives we have the ability to handle the event.
The majority of society lives their life effected by whatever the event is by staying safe and comfortable.
Events happened to each of us, staying in the same pattern causes you to have automatic reactions and resist change.
The pattern goes something like this, we reflect on what’s happened to us in the past and predict our future based on the beliefs and stories we tell ourselves.
Resigning to the inevitable repeat of history.

There is an alternative, and following this method will always allow you to surrender and grow.
When an event occurs you must allow yourself to create, respond, and choose around the circumstances of the event.
Stay present, and be open to new opportunities as a result.
Let go of whatever is holding you back, stop, and remember old beliefs aren’t serving your higher calling.
This allows you to live your life as a cause to live your life.
We can stand in our power when we take ownership of our lives.
Your life is waiting for a leader, shouldn’t that leader be you?
Agape ❤,
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