Love no matter what
Yes, I know how hard it is, and the challenge reaps many rewards when you embody loving others regardless of their actions. We all get angry, feel hurt, and unfortunately judge ourselves and others. You are connected to every living thing and when you treat them all with love life is better for all of us.
Be kind to yourself
You are human and that is to be celebrated. Those of us who accept the appearance of flaws in our actions recognize it’s how much perceived mistakes teach us. I believe this is one of the most important lessons we can grasp, work that muscle, and make it strong.
Forgiveness and what it really means
Usually, we believe this is letting go of the feeling we hold towards someone who has wronged us. Giving forth your troubles to God/the Universe is really what forgiveness is about. We can’t fix things that aren’t broken all we can do is trust that things are happening exactly as they are supposed to.

Curiosity like a child
Do you remember being three years old and constantly asking “Why?” Our curiosity makes us relate better to others. Two wrongs don’t make a right, questioning why someone is angry rather than getting angry back always has a different outcome and gives us a sense of compassion for what others are experiencing.
Laughter is the best medicine
Laughter is one of the best things we get to experience. Dancing, goofing off, and being playful all lead to enjoying some of the best medicine on this Earth and in this life. It heals all wounds and forgets all wrongs.
Be the flow
Resisting what we are experiencing holds us in a stagnant space. Life ebbs and flows, there are great moments and not so great moments. When you are being the flow you take each moment as it comes, not thinking behind or living ahead of where you are now. As energy, we need to move and the only what to do that is to be the flow.

Saying yes to the universe
Don’t think of yes as an agreement to what’s going on or even asking for more of it. When you say “Yes” to the universe you are open to what it has to offer. We only suffer when we are attached to the outcome we think we should get, the one we envisioned. When we trust the universe our are exercising our well-developed muscle of surrendering to “Thy will be done”.
You are never under attack
My ego shouts to this statement. Yes, I am! As my spirit softly whispers, no you are not. I have had moments, even as recent as today that I felt defensive and acted on the instinct of needing to protect myself. A healed mind will never need to defend and you can only be healed by standing firm with spirit.
Things have the meaning you assigned
Humans are meaning-making machines. Every single one of us. And we want to be right, only all the time. The beliefs we have create our personalities, our habits, and our circumstances. Question your beliefs. They are only stories you tell yourself, you are the only person who can change them.

You are not broken
If I smash a plate on the ground it would be in a bunch of pieces. You, my friend, cannot be broken, damaged or less than because of any circumstance you have experienced. Your thoughts, your story, and your body do not make you who you are. When you live as energy, spirit, and the oneness that makes all of us connected you will find that you are perfect, whole, and complete just as you are.
Worthiness is granted to everyone
Accomplishments, success, and stature are all expectations that we all set for ourselves. Thinking you will be loved, worthy or enough based on where you are will not grant you the things you most desire. All of these things are gifted to you, they always were and always have been. No one can give or take them from you. I implore you to remember there is nothing you need to do for worthiness, you just are.
Remember who you are
When we arrive here I think we all forget. It’s like we are a computer that is programmed to have artificial intelligence and expand on that intelligence as we live further into this life. We begin to put the puzzle pieces together and develop our consciousness muscle allowing it to trigger little ques or cheat codes in our programming to remember that we are all God in human form, having an experience that allows us to improve on ourselves. Eventually knowing that we are in this world, yet not of it and that we can tune into our energy and ground ourselves in the familiarity of home anytime we want. That is when we stand firm in remembering who we are.
Until next week friends,
Agape ❤,
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